Are you serious about weight loss? Can you follow a plan exactly? If so, it’s possible for you to lose a pound a day of pure fat!
Our clinic has many ways to address weight loss issues; an individualized protocol for each patient’s unique circumstances is almost always called for. However, for those patients that have tried every diet, modified their lifestyle, exercised and still cannot lose their excess weight, we have a medically supervised program that works for most everyone, male or female, it is called the hCG Diet.
HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. During pregnancy, that substance almost completely controls the woman’s metabolic functions. In non-pregnant persons, research suggests that small doses of hCG increases the metabolism similar to that of a pregnant female. The hormone triggers an area of the brain known as the “Diencephalon”, which, in turn, helps to regulate our hypothalamus and pituitary glands. (The hypothalamus gland moderates the thyroid, adrenals, fat storage, and more importantly, your metabolic rate).
In other words, hCG allows us to utilize the “energy” in our adipose tissue – also known as abnormal or banked fat, (fat that is deposited away, usually in those problem areas like hips, thighs, buttocks, waist, stomach, love handles, etc.). It also assists us in “resetting” our weight “set point”, (the weight we always seem to return to after a weight gain or loss).
What is the hCG Diet?
The “true” hCG weight loss diet protocol was researched and developed by Dr. ATW Simeons in 1954. Dr. Simeons surmised that the hCG diet, acting at the hypothalamic level, corrected a person’s basic hypothalamic dysfunction and consequently their fat tissue metabolism. The diet itself consisted of a very low calorie diet (VLCD) accompanied by treatments of hCG taken by injections. (We however, do not use the injections preferring to use a compounded transdermal version of the hCG instead).
To appreciate how fat is stored in the body, it’s important to understand that there are three different types of fat: Structural Fat (between organs, etc.), Normal Fat (freely used for fuel when needed), and Abnormal or Banked Fat (locked away and not available for use by the metabolism until the other two kinds of fat are depleted).
Diets normally do not work for those with “banked fat” stores because they cause the loss of the wrong kind of fat. In comparison, hCG works at the metabolic level to release those banked fat stores directly into the bloodstream to be used as fuel, and this is why a very low calorie diet is an essential part of the diet.
While on the hCG diet, patients lose between .5 to 3 pounds of fat per day.
Basics of the diet are:
125 mg of hCG is administered daily (with the exception of menstruation).
First and second day of the diet the patient eats excessively.
On the third day, the 500 calorie diet and personal care product restrictions are applied and continue for 72 hours after the last day of the hCG usage, (23 or 43 days).
In the ensuing 3 to 6 weeks, only specific foods are allowed in very specific quantities.
After the initial 3 or weeks are completed, calories are increased to around 1500 for another 3 weeks (the stabilizing period).
Only after the completion of the stabilizing period are starches then introduced into the diet in very small quantities.
Patients are often concerned about being hungry during the program, however, that is usually not an issue because the hCG compound helps keep hunger under control. Remember, extra calories and nutrients begin to flood the system from those banked fat deposits as soon as the hCG is in the system. This unique aspect of the hCG program is why it is much easier to stick to than a traditional healthy diet that simply restricts calories.
Another common concern is the loss of muscle mass. This also does not appear to be an issue since weight loss studies have shown that weight lost comes directly from adipose fat and does not strip the body of muscle, vitamins, or minerals essential to maintaining good health.
The majority of men and women can use hCG for weight loss. We require dieters to undergo a series of blood work and an exam by our MD before implementation of the hCG protocol. The physician will NOT accept women who are pregnant or nursing into the program.
Rarely are there side effects reported while using hCG for weight loss. However, on the other hand, hCG has been used for fertility reasons utilizing a significantly larger dose of the hCG. In these cases it has been known to cause occasional headaches, and pregnancy symptoms. However, the dosing amount between the hCG diet protocol and hCG used for fertility is vastly different.
Finally, the most important concern is the permanency of the weight loss. It’s been proven after almost 40 years of this program being in existence that completion of the hCG program helps your body develop a new “set point”, making it much harder to gain the weight back. Additionally, after completing the hCG diet patients find that their appetite, eating habits, and even their taste buds have changed. It becomes much easier for them to adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle and permanently maintain their weight loss.
So, are you serious about weight loss? Do you want a new weight “set point”? Can and will you follow the protocol explicitly? Do you want to finally get rid of your fat in all the “wrong places”? If so,