Beating Cancer with Nutrition
There is good news from the nutrition arena. Optimal nutrition can reduce the risks of developing cancer by up to 90%, hence it is a strong preventative tool for everyone. And nutrition can dramatically improve quality and quantity of life for the millions of patients who are being medically treated for cancer.
Your Hidden Food Allergies
Do you know that there is a scientifically verified test and eating program that can change your life? It’s simple: Discover your food allergies and intolerances, eliminate these trigger foods from your diet, and shed pounds effortlessly!
Inside is everything you need to know about the ALCAT test, a revolutionary approach to weight loss and well-being that will help you regain control over your weight, your health, and your life.
The ALCAT test works: 98 percent of the participants in a Baylor Institute study who eliminated their trigger foods lost weight, reduced their percentage of body fat, and gained muscle tissue.
Women’s Hormones
What You Must Know About Women’s Hormones: Your Guide to Natural Hormone Treatments for PMS, Menopause, Osteoporosis, PCOS, and More.
Hormonal imbalances can occur at any age—before, during, or after menopause—and for a variety of reasons. While most hormone related problems are associated with menopause, fluctuating hormonal levels can also cause a variety of other conditions, and for some women, the effects can be truly debilitating. What You Must Know About Women’s Hormones is a clear guide to the treatment of hormonal irregularities without the health risks associated with standard hormone replacement therapy.
Wheat Belly
Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health.
Over 200 million Americans consume food products made of wheat every day. As a result, over 100 million experience some form of adverse health effect, ranging from minor rashes to high blood sugar to unattractive stomach bulges preventative cardiologist William Davis calls “wheat bellies.” According to Davis, that excess fat has nothing to do with gluttony, sloth, or too much butter: it’s due to the whole grain wraps we eat for lunch.
Stage Four Cancer Gone!
This is a true account of a medically documented healing miracle of a woman diagnosed with Stage IV (end stage) breast cancer that had metastasized into her bones, organs and lymph nodes. Given anywhere from three weeks to ninety days to live, through her faith, she was able to find healing without chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.
Nitric Oxide
In The Nitric Oxide (NO) Solution, you’ll read all about the miracle molecule that can dramatically improve your health, along with a complete program of diet, nutritional supplementation, exercise and everyday lifestyle changes to boost NO levels in your body.
You’ll discover that NO is powerfully protective against cardiovascular disease.
The Healing Code by Alexander Loyd, Ph.D., N.D. is the most current, up to date view of energy medicine that we have ever seen. It deals with the unconscious and subconscious mind and how that affects the biology of our cells. It also helps to clearly define the structure of our thoughts and our
In The Nitric Oxide (NO) Solution, you’ll read all about the miracle molecule that can dramatically improve your health, along with a complete program of diet, nutritional supplementation, exercise and everyday lifestyle changes to boost NO levels in your body.You’ll discover that NO is powerfully protective against cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Loyd brings the presence of God into the whole equation of being healthy and developing that energy correctly. In doing so he has produced a system whereby one can actually change deep-seated memories and though patterns into current functional operational behaviors and feelings that work with the person’s desires instead of against them. The very effective prayer is, “I pray that all known and unknown negative images, unhealthy beliefs, destructive cellular membranes and all physical issues related to the problem or issues would be found, opened and healed by filling me up with the life, light and love of God.”
Most everyone has a relationship with God (at some level), and to understand that modern science and the image of God (as one that heals) have converged is a very delightful feeling. We have certainly seen that concept make significant healing changes in many of the patients here at CHH. It fits our philosophy perfectly in the mix of the modern, up to date understanding of energy medicine and the presence of God as a healer.
Are Your Hormones Making You Sick?
This book by a physician gynecologist and his physician wife is a great book to be understandable. His basis of his work is based on normal gynecologic physiology. He points out time and again the basis of his information comes from the current gynecologic textbooks in normal physiology but using your normal and bio-identical hormones.
The God We Have Created
This is the second of the trilogy by Michele O’Donnell and she goes through the theology of what she describes as the basic cause of disease and is very convincing.
The Biology of Belief
This is a great study on cell metabolism and the movement of cell metabolism to the point that we know now that cells communicate and they all communicate and work together at the same time. They also have to be united in what they are doing so they can either nurture you and take care of you and heal you, or they can be in fighter flight and anger and battle mode.
This book by Mark Starr, M.D., outlines the problems with hypothyroidism. Mainstream medicine tends to diagnose only with lab, as far as thyroid is concerned, and has taught the public to do the same. On the other hand, repeated researchers over the years have constantly said that the lab tests are inadequate and the that problems are serious, which include heart disease, diabetes, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, depression, dry skin, weight gain, poor sleep, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and menstrual problems. He very ably shows that the thyroid’s job is to increase the function of mitochondria in our cells, and the mitochondria is what produces energy. It is an excellent book and well documented with the bibliography that is very accurate, and it also points out the enormous toil that toxic metals and pesticides and toxic chemicals have had on the thyroid. The major point that he makes is that the body temperature and the pulse rate are in general the most accurate science predicting hypothyroidism along with all of the multitude of symptoms, including pain. This is an excellent book for patient and physician alike.
This book opens with a discussion of the latest research on mind and the brain and understanding both the anatomy and physiology of the brain along with how to change long time patterns in our life primarily using the enneagram as a guideline to our personality and then using meditation states to change the focus in our brain. It has got exercises in it to change it and so it is a self-help book.
The Super Natural Power of the Transformed Mind
This book is a really focused book on the power of God and the power of prayer and how that can become a part of your life so that you really transform into a person that is truly constantly God oriented. There is a discussion in this book about the brain and the hormones of the brain and how they are attached to certain segments of the brain along with the different vibrations of the brain. This author is able to do a test that actually helps one determine whether you are low or high in neurotransmitters and by doing so, begin to change your way of functioning in the world by bringing your neurotransmitters into balance through diet or medication or supplements. It is a very good self-help book.
Psalm 91
This is a book that takes the Psalm 91 and dissects it and is very understandable. Psalm 91 is Gods promises and is helpful as a daily meditation.
Our Toxic World, A Wake Up World
This book was written to increase your awareness about the potentially tragic, harmful effects of the numerous chemicals to which we are all exposed on a daily basis.
This book will help you figure out when and where you were exposed and discuss the many different ways chemicals can affect you and your loved ones.
Dr. Doris Rapp is an M.D. who really explores the whole issue of how toxic our world is and is a very condensed book because there is so much information in the field but it is one of the two best books on toxic exposure and problems as well as some self-help.
Detoxify or Die
Dr. Rogers goes through the whole issue of how toxic our world it and the fact that it is leading to our death. That the symptoms of toxicity are the symptoms we apply to aging therefore by making the wrong diagnoses of where the symptoms come from, we also make the wrong diagnoses of how to treat them. It is a great book with some hints as to how to change your life.
Hypothyroidism the Unsuspected Disease
This book by Broda Barnes M.D., Ph.D. is an excellent book on the thyroid and it was written in 1976 but is as valid today as it was then. It is a very thorough book for its time. He talks about the value of body temperature and diagnoses of hypothyroidism as a clinical disorder.
The Roots of Disease
The author’s here include a dentist and a physician who point out the problems with chronic infection following root canals with the tendency to believe that almost every root canal is either infected or producing toxic material for there inflammation.
Vitamin C Infectious Disease and Toxins
Thomas Levy M.D. is probably the foremost authority on vitamin C currently and has gone through and has all the references and all the work to show that vitamin C is a horribly ignored force for good and that it kills basically all viruses that it comes in contact with. It just depends on finding the right dosage.
The Physician within You
This book by Gladys McCarey is a wonderful book which is a self-enlightening and self-strengthening book to realize that it is a self-help book to change your life by changing the way you think about yourself and using nutrition, stress management, and meditation to do that.
Curing the Incurable
This book by Thomas Levy M.D. is again a great book as a reference to deal with looking at what vitamin C does with cancer and with viruses and with toxins, all of those things and why it might be very helpful in certain dosage to solve the problem.
Saying No To Vaccines
This book by Sherri Tenpenny M.D. uses statistics on government studies to prove that vaccines do not work. She takes them vaccine by vaccine to point the problem out.
Love Is Letting Go Of Fear
This book is a great small book to realize that fear is the opposite of faith and love and therefore you can convert fear to love or fear to faith and in doing so get rid of fear. In our fear based world this is a breath of fresh air.
The Science of Addiction
This is a very academic yet very helpful book particularly for professionals to look at in dealing with addiction problems and the author is outstanding in understanding this whole field of addiction.
Power Healing
This book by John Wimber is a strong book on the ability and the way one gets to become a healer working with God and the Holy Spirit and with the results in the how to in the process.
Dr. Francis MacNutt who was a former catholic priest is probably the foremost leader on healing in the United States since the late fifties. This book was the seminal book on healing some thirty-five plus years ago. He completely brings healing up to date and has written extensively since then but this is really his first major book and it is a great book to understand.
The Use of Ozone in Medicine
This is a book published in 2007 and has been going through all the European research on the use of ozone in medicine which have gone on for many years prior to this publishing. It is a very thorough book and it talks about all sorts of different illnesses and problems and difficulties and it is written by a committee so that it really has all the validity of European medicine behind it.
Ted L. Edwards, M.D.